Ian Hanson (2023)
Mass Graves: The Forensic Investigation of the Deaths, Destruction and Deletion of Communities and Their Heritage.
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Annalisa D’Apuzzo, Debora Mazzarelli, Giulia Caccia, Andrea Palamenghi, Lorenzo Franceschetti, Pasquale Poppa, Danilo De Angelis, Cristina Cattaneo (2024)
Autopsy doesn’t always tell all: The importance of exhuming skeletal remains of cemetery unidentified decedents.
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Helena Duffy (2024)
We are not out of the woods yet: the forest as conduit for Polish Holocaust memory in Paweł Pawlikowski’s
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Philip Reeder, Harry Jol, Alastair McClymont, Paul Bauman, Michael Barrow (2024)
Using Geophysics to Locate Holocaust Era Mass Graves in Jewish Cemeteries: Examples from Latvia and Lithuania.
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